Sustainable Discoveries: A Challenge For You

Yamilex Gonzalez
Keeping Up With Sustainable Fashion
4 min readMar 16, 2021


Taking care of our planet/ ERC

I dedicated this last week and a half surrounding myself with thoughts concerning sustainability. I gave myself the task to search for ways on how the world around me was taking part in establishing a more eco friendly environment. After just a few days, I experienced a handful of new discoveries that aimed to perform sustainable practices. Here are a few interesting finds I came across.

  1. Shop Eco Thrift

If you happen to live in California and are looking for ways to shop more ethically, Eco Thrift provides consumers with the opportunity to purchase second hand goods such as clothing, accessories, toys, and tools which are previously acquired from community charities. Eco Thrift’s environmental efforts focus on recycling, repurposing and reusing merchandise in order to ensure minimal to zero waste. The company has developed multiple ways of handling excess goods that do not sell or meet the company’s standards for reselling by working alongside textile recyclers and exporting them to third world countries that are desperately in need of quality goods.

Eco Thrift Store
Eco Thrift: View From Inside

2. Bamboo Charcoal

My next encounter was discovering bamboo charcoal while in search for dental floss on Amazon. The product I purchased, Cupinyo Dental Floss Picks were entirely made up of bamboo charcoal. My excitement for this product grew as I uncovered the benefits of bamboo charcoal as a material. Afterall, it is a natural substance that is harvested from bamboo plants and is non toxic. It is best known to be used as a purifier for removing excess odors and its ability to absorb contaminated particles. Bamboo charcoal is environmentally friendly and considered to be a sustainable product. It is far more porous compared to wood fuel, and produces less smoke resulting in less pollution for the environment. (Bamboo Charcoal A sustainable Energy Source)

Benefits of Bamboo Charcoal: MYTHO ECO LIVING
Amazon Purchase: Cupinyo Dental Floss Picks

3. Eco friendly packaging

Nonetheless, I found some relief seeing that alot of the businesses I had been recently purchasing from were utilizing materials other than plastic to package their merchandise. One interesting packaging method I discovered this past week was this cardboard filler I found inside of a package. I was more intrigued by how detailed the cut outs were placed in order to create a surface similar to a cushion. Not only was it effective but it is biodegradable and recyclable!

Close Up Image Of Packaging Filler
Recyclable Packaging Filler

4. Natalia Trevino Amaro

Though, one of my favorite encounters that came from this task was the discovery of Natalia Trevino Amaro, a sustainable clothing brand. I came across Natalia’s YouTube channel while conducting research on this topic and discovered her motivation and love to develop a brand that focuses on slow fashion. Natalia strives to produce one of a kind garments, accessories and is open to take custom orders. All of the merchandise Natalia offers is mindfully created to ensure a product that allows both you and the environment to benefit from. You can learn more about Natalia and her brand through her YouTube channel where she shares her process in being a fashion designer and entrepreneur.

Natalia Trevino Amaro Merchandise
Natalia Trevino Amaro Sustainable Clothing

Making these few discoveries in a period of a week brought me a sense of hope for a more sustainable future. As consumers it is important to take note of those transactions you constantly find yourself making and question what it is you are really contributing to. I want to leave you with that thought and challenge you to make these observations to see what you can discover in your everyday life. Awareness is key to establishing a more sustainable world.


